[Qgis-user] Processing/GRASS: question on v.surf.rst

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Oct 3 01:34:12 PDT 2013


 This is more a question towards GRASS/Processing specialists.

 There are two versions for interpolation with regularized splines with 
 tension. There is:

 v.surf.rst and v.surf.rst.cvdev

 What is the reason for the two different versions and what is the 

 Both seem to accept only point layers, whereas I know that v.surf.rst 
 should accept linestring/contourline data if the contours are simplified 
 with the dmin (minimum distance) parameter. v.surf.rst.cvdev does not 
 seem to output all the raster surfaces like "surface", "aspect", 
 "slope", "curvature", etc.

 So could the v.surf.rst interface in Processing be changed that it also 
 accepts linestring data as input?


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