[Qgis-user] Export as SVG or PDF

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Oct 9 04:47:50 PDT 2013

On 09-10-13 13:04, David wrote:
> Using Qgis 1.8, when I try to export my composed map as an SVG or PDF
> file I get a warning about known problems.   Also, Qgis usually but not
> always crashes when exporting.
> What to do?   Has this been fixed in Qgis 2.

Hi David,

for what I know the problem is the fact that it is not QGIS itself that
writes the svg/pdf, but the underlying widget library (Qt).
So unless Qt has fixed these known problems, they will still be there.

BUT: did you have those problems? You can always try and see what
happens :-)

Depending on your needs (and the complexity of your maps), I also wrote
a 'SimpleSVG'-plugin, which works for simple maps, and outputs
structured svg, specially crafted to be used in Inkscape for further
processing there.
So this would be another experiment to try.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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