[Qgis-user] Plugin: Google Map engine Connector

KLGan 1klgan at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 05:24:55 PDT 2013


I got this error when I start this plugin...., It's by Google, and since
they don't usually reply to emails, I have uninstalled the plugin for now.
Any else seen the same problem?




An error has occured while executing Python code:

*Traceback (most recent call last):
line 266, in handleSelectionChange
    gmeMap, gmeLayers = self.getAssetsFromLayer(currentLayer)
line 311, in getAssetsFromLayer
    if self.isGmeConnectorLayer(layer):
line 294, in isGmeConnectorLayer
    provider = layer.dataProvider()
AttributeError: 'OpenlayersLayer' object has no attribute 'dataProvider'

Python version:
2.7.4 (default, Apr  6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

QGIS version:
2.0.1-Dufour Dufour, 34139bc

Python path:
'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISDU~1\\bin', 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGISDU~1\\apps\\Python27',
'C:\\Users\\XXXXXX\\.qgis2\\python\\plugins\\mmqgis/forms', '.',
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