[Qgis-user] Problem with WMS 1.1.1 data providers in QGIS 2.0.1

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Tue Oct 22 23:04:10 PDT 2013


FYI Jürgen has pushed a patch into master making add the dpi an option. 
Switching it off should display any maps 1.8 could display.

Advanced users may also add their desired vendor options or additional 
paramters to the server's URL by themselves, e.g. if one needs another 
dpi than screen resolution for printing reasons.


Am 22.10.2013 15:58, schrieb Jukka Rahkonen:
> Richard Duivenvoorde<rdmailings at ...>  writes:
>> On 21-10-13 20:07, Miguel Ángel Castro wrote:
>>> I am using QGIS 2.0.1 standalone installed in a  Windows 7 64 bits system.
>>> Example of WMS datasource: (datasource WMS 1.1.1) EPSG:32628
>>> http://idecan2.grafcan.es/ServicioWMS/EspNat
>>> In layer properties/metadata you can see the information from
>>> datasource, but no display the layer (not load data) in canvas.
>>> In log messages: Map request error (status: 200 .... getDouble(): Symbol
>>> definition error. Parsing error near (96): (line 1).
>>> Does anybody have an idea what is the problem?
>> Hi Miguel,
>> the error message that you see is a (Minnesota) Mapserver error message.
>> Somewhere in the style definitions it expects a number (or not).
>> This url I get from QGIS in debug mode, and gives you your error:
> http://idecan2.grafcan.es/ServicioWMS/EspNat?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=152208.544610834447667,2940195.98510535480454564,692329.70807293173857033,3376338.62686863588169217&SRS=EPSG:32628&WIDTH=670&HEIGHT=541&LAYERS=EENN&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
>> Bug if I remove the "&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96" part from it, I get a map:
> http://idecan2.grafcan.es/ServicioWMS/EspNat?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=152208.544610834447667,2940195.98510535480454564,692329.70807293173857033,3376338.62686863588169217&SRS=EPSG:32628&WIDTH=670&HEIGHT=541&LAYERS=EENN&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png
>> I'm not familiar with the exact WMS-standard, but as most WMS servers I
>> know (and use) can handle these two query parameters from QGIS, I think
>> it is a Mapserver configuration problem/error. You cannot let QGIS
>> remove those params I think.
> Hi,
> That certain server is a pretty old Mapserver v. 5.0 and it does not like
> the non-standard vendor parameter&MAP_RESOLUTION=96. Fresh Mapservers do
> not fail because of that and actually since version 6.0 Mapserver supports
> vendor option MAP_RESOLUTION.
> According to WMS standard servers should quietly skip extra parameters so
> principally there is a bug in Mapserver 5.0.  However, I do not like that
> QGIS is adding always its own vendor parameters and users do not have a way
> to turn off the non-standard parameters. I have two reasoning for this:
> 1) MAP_RESOLUTION is not defined in the standard and for server A it can
> mean something different than for server B while QGIS may be awaiting still
> something else.
> 2) Even vendor options should be skipped, we have here an example that some
> servers may fail in skipping them. Nobody will fix Mapserver 5.0 and even it
> is wrong, it is the QGIS user who suffers now. User can only ask server
> admin to update (it may take a while) or switch off QGIS and use another WMS
> client like OpenJUMP.
> For my mind it should be possible to configure QGIS WMS to run in a safe
> mode and use only those parameters which belong to WMS standard.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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