[Qgis-user] Clipper for Raster, from vector polygon is not functioning?!

Marcial Felgueiras (pessoal) marcial.felgueiras at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 15:14:10 PDT 2013


I’m new in QGIS and still don’t know much (hardly anything). I was trying to
clip a Raster map, using a polygon (using Raster -> Extraction -> Clipper)
and it didn’t work.

It produced this command line:

gdalwarp -q -cutline C:\SIG\UTM_pt\Sapal_publico_oeste.shp -crop_to_cutline
-of GTiff C:\SIG\Cartas_militares_Algarve\603_2005_3.tif


Then it would come with this message:

Cannot compute bounding box of cutline.


What is it that I’m doing wrong? Thanks for your help.



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