[Qgis-user] QGIS WMS/T problem

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Aug 20 15:45:15 PDT 2014

I have a colleage using QGIS with a problem accessing some local ESRI WMS/T services:
	* Dunedin City Council: http://apps.dunedin.govt.nz/arcgis/rest/services/Public/PhotoCache2013/MapServer/WMTS
	* Otago Regional Council: http://gisdata.orc.govt.nz/arcgis/rest/services/Imagery/OtagoRegionalAerials/MapServer/WMTS
The Metadata tab on layer properties shows errors for right bounds (at all scales). 

And I've had no luck accessing ArcGIS rest services directly using qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer in the Python console.
The layers work without problem in a web client using Openlayers.

Can anyone shed any light on the problem? Other ESRI WMS/T services are working OK.


  Brent Wood
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