[Qgis-user] Intersecting points and polygons

Leandro Girardin leandrogirardin at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Mar 11 04:22:25 PDT 2014

El 11/03/14 05:50, Lynkos escribió:
> Back again needing your help...
> I have a point shapefile containing bird observations and another 
> polygon shapefile containing the boundaries of local authority areas. 
>  Using these, I need to add a column to the point shapefile attribute 
> table containing the name of the local authority area in which the 
> point falls.
> If the two files were both polygons, I would do an intersect or union. 
> But doing this with a point file and a polygon file creates a 
> shapefile, but without merging the attribute tables correctly. I get 
> all the headings of both files, but the attributes of only one or the 
> other of the files.
> I'm using QGIS 2.2. Thanks for any suggestions on how to achieve my 
> result, Sarah.
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Sarah, this can be done with, join attributes from localization, from 
ftools plugins.
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