[Qgis-user] Is there way to print out a layered PDF-document?

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Fri Mar 21 09:23:48 PDT 2014

Järnefelt Jouko <Jouko.Jarnefelt at ...> writes:

> Hey all.
> I have a simple question for which I haven’t been able to find answer. Is
there way to print out a layered PDF-document?
> Thanks for your help!

Not directly but you can prepare the raster and vector layers with QGIS and
create PDF with GDAL. It is a bit tricky for the first time but I hope that
this helps

Other alternative is to use SkyJUMP http://sourceforge.net/projects/skyjump/ 
OpenJUMP has also the same SkyJUMP printing utility as a plugin

The plugin works but installation is tricky at the moment:
- place SkyPrinterPlugIn-1.0.0.jar into /lib
- move or copy itext-2.1.7.jar from /lib/ext into /lib
- edit default-plugins.xml and add
into FILE menu section

SkyPrinter does not have advanced features but it prints the layers as they
are in the OpenJUMP into PDF so that it is possible to control the layer
visibility in Acrobat reader. SkyPrinter does not make geospatial PDF.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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