[Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap - Cannot load open ways

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Oct 2 08:02:28 PDT 2014

Am 02.10.2014 07:34, schrieb Tony Bazeley:
> Many thanks to the author of the new OpenStreetMap loading
> arrangements.
> It looks like an excellent tool but I'm having some trouble using it
> in v2.4 under Ubuntu 14.04.

Same here on Windows 7, so it has nothing to do with the OS.

> In short the osm data attached appears to be loaded correctly into
> the spatialite database, but extraction from the database into qgis
> is incomplete.

No, not really. You can load the data alternatively with "Add vector
layer", which gives me 35 lines and 40 polygons, instead of 6 and 15
with the Vector->OSM import. Looking into the spatialite database with
spatialite GUI, I still see only 6 lines and 15 polygons, so they are
not improted into the database.

> 1. Vector>OpenStreetMap>Download data - I can download the required
> data from OSM 2. Vector>OpenStreetMap>Import topology from XML - The
> data seems to be loaded correctly into a database 3.
> Vector>OpenStreetMap>Export Topology To Spatialite - fails to load
> open ways as expected.

That is ok so far.

> Querying with the Spatialite Gui indicates that open ways are loaded
>  into the database
> <%3Chttps://www.dropbox.com/s/n9dhtt04ccnysw9/TestOSMWays01.db?dl=0%3E>
>  but fail to be extracted into the display table.

You compare to the OSM tile background. With Add vector layer I see all
lines and polygons that are fully in your download bbox.

This is a known issue, and http://hub.qgis.org/issues/8878 might adress
your problem too. Feel free to add your case there.

Unfortunately, I have no clue why the lines and
polygons are silently dropped.

André Joost

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