[Qgis-user] QuickOSM, a QGIS plugin to query Overpass

Etienne Trimaille etienne.trimaille at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 10:10:39 PDT 2014


For those who do not already know, a QGIS plugin exists so as to run an
overpass query.

This plugin is QuickOSM which you can find in the QGIS's repository :
- using keys/values with autocompletion
- use an extent of the map canvas or an nominatim area
- use some actions so as to edit in JOSM or open external links like
- save your query
- change the default geographic extent of a saved query
- apply some symbology if possible
- use QuickOSM in complexe models of QGIS Processing : fetching some datas
then reprojecte them for instance
-open a osm file by specifying the OGR file 'osmconf'

There is a little video : https://vimeo.com/108737868

I've developped this project during my internship at 3Liz :
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