[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.6.0-Brighton : problem using signed 8-bit data type "bil"

dario p dario_parata at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 8 02:08:42 PDT 2015

Dear all,

I have a problem with  signed 8-bit data type esri bil raster.

I have the following header .hdr

nrows 1791
ncols 1615
nbands 1
nbits 8
byteorder I
layout bil
skipbytes 0
ulxmap 9.6841668799
ulymap 44.4760415829
xdim 0.0016666668
ydim 0.0012500001
pixeltype SIGNEDINT

but when I read the bil with QGIS 2.6.0 the result is an unsigned integer.

Where is the problem? Please may you help me?


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