[Qgis-user] getting square raster images from MODIS tiff files into QGIS

Don McNeil don.mcneil at mq.edu.au
Mon Apr 13 22:09:30 PDT 2015

Dear QGIS Gurus:

My problem is that, having already created vector layers for a region in
separate sub-windows of QGIS, when I create an additional layer for a
raster image by opening a MODIS TIFF file for the same region, it appears
as a trapezium rather than a rectangle, and when I try to convert it to a
rectangle by specifying the UTM location, the vector images disappear. So I
can't show both the squared raster image and the vector images together.

I emailed a friend who uses other GIS software (including ArcGIS, ERDAS and
IDRISI) and he suggested that I might need a process of rectification for
adjusting the shape and position of the image to the real position instead
of just changing the coordination. If so, does Quantum GIS have a function
to do that?

kind regards....Don
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