[Qgis-user] FGDC Geology Symbology for QGIS: placed on Sourceforge

Torsten Lange torsten.lange at mail.de
Tue Apr 21 04:35:01 PDT 2015


1. Stefan, thank you for uploading the symbology.

2. A first time "load symbology" question: How do I import a new symbolgy or in what folder I have to put it?

Thanks, Torsten

Am 21-Apr-2015 04:58:37 +0200 schrieb bobdebm at gmail.com: 
    Hi Stefan,

 Thanks for putting the files up on SourceForge. I tried to checkout the files from svn, but there are no files in the repo. Most users would want to download a zip file of all the files instead of downloading each file. Also can you tell me if these files are still public domain?

 Thanks again!

 On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Stefan Revets  wrote:

Hello All,

 The various .xml, .qml and .svg files making up a sizable chunk of FGDC Geology Symbology resides on Sourceforge

 Comments and suggestions are very welcome, either here, on the sourcefore project page or directly to me.

 Best wishes


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