[Qgis-user] Issues to building QGIS-2.10.1 on linux using Qt5.5

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Aug 12 05:17:52 PDT 2015

On 12-08-15 13:32, Spartucus wrote:
> hi all,
> I'm trying to build QGIS-2.10.1 on my linux from source. I want to build
> QGIS API for developmenting.
> I consulted the Matthias Kuhn's article: here
> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/1676>  .
> CMAKE is OK regardless of some warning, but MAKE break down.
> The OS I'm using is Neokylin3.2.2, a Chinese linux OS. I'm not quite
> familiar with the OS, here is some system info:
> Here are the CMAKE logs:
> And here are parts of MAKE logs:
> As you can see, it breaks down at 5%. It seems like that I didn't set the
> Qt's include path, but should it be done on CMAKE process?
> what should I do? any advice would be appreciated!

Hi Spartucus,

as you can see above, Nabble eat all your logs.

but the Pull Request of Matthias is about compiling QGIS specifically
for Qt5

'normal' compiles do Qt4, and it is best to follow the info from
for that

but if I google NeoKylin, it seems to be a FreeBSD derivative... see

Which (I think is harder to get help for as most of dev's are Linux


Richard Duivenvoorde

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