[Qgis-user] Reclass Vector

Mariana Buzzi marianabuzzi86 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 21:42:36 PDT 2015

HELLO Guys!!

I want to make a demarcation of a nature reserve area, considering the
wealth of species and the conservation value of each. For this purpose in
the area of ​​study I designed a grilling in which I included the species
richness and other gridding the area in which I included the conservative
value species.

What I do now is a relclasificación of these data as follows:
For cells with conservative values ​​[1-4) set the value of 1.
For cells with conservative [4-32 values) set to 0.

Once this is done, I want to make an intersection of information, to
establish the relationship between the areas defined as priority and
species richness.

My problem starts to perform the mecionada reclassification, ie designate
values ​​of 0 and 1 at intervals raised. The other problem is how do I make
the crossing of information? What function the qgis?

Thank You !!!!
I await your news !!!!

PS: I speak Spanish.
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