[Qgis-user] Reclass Vector

Carlos Cerdán sig.upagu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 06:12:26 PDT 2015

Hi Mariana:

If I understand you well, you need to create a new field, making an
expresssion in field calculator, something as:

when conservative>=1 and conservative<4 then 1
when conservative>=4 and conservartive<32 then 0

After that, you can try intersection... or union.

What about to work as raster?

Saludos desde Perú

Carlos Cerdán

2015-08-16 23:42 GMT-05:00 Mariana Buzzi <marianabuzzi86 at gmail.com>:

> HELLO Guys!!
> I want to make a demarcation of a nature reserve area, considering the
> wealth of species and the conservation value of each. For this purpose in
> the area of ​​study I designed a grilling in which I included the species
> richness and other gridding the area in which I included the conservative
> value species.
> What I do now is a relclasificación of these data as follows:
> For cells with conservative values ​​[1-4) set the value of 1.
> For cells with conservative [4-32 values) set to 0.
> Once this is done, I want to make an intersection of information, to
> establish the relationship between the areas defined as priority and
> species richness.
> My problem starts to perform the mecionada reclassification, ie designate
> values ​​of 0 and 1 at intervals raised. The other problem is how do I make
> the crossing of information? What function the qgis?
> Thank You !!!!
> I await your news !!!!
> PS: I speak Spanish.
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