[Qgis-user] How to display SID raster on QGIS 2.10 PISA Kubuntu 15.04 ?

Clifford Snow clifford at snowandsnow.us
Thu Aug 20 13:46:11 PDT 2015

Last night at a cugos.org meeting, I learned how to compile GDAL with MrSID
capabilities. The system he used as a chromebook. You can find the
instructions in the link below. I believe that QGIS uses your system's GDAL
installation for most of its operations.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Joachim Bergerhoff <agimjo at gmail.com>

> Dears, I guess the message title is explicit enough ?
> BTW, I have downloaded the SDK 9.1.0 from Imtech.  The ReadMe says:
>   No specific installation is required to use the MrSID SDK beyond copying
> the SDK contents to your local machine.
>   After installing, we suggest building and running the example program to
> assure correct installation and behaviour."
> But copying the SDK download (unpacked) somewhere on my disk obviously is
> not enough and I am lost when it comes to "building" etc.
> Thanks,
> Joachim
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