[Qgis-user] How to Rotate Labels for Line

Lee Hachadoorian Lee.Hachadoorian+L at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 12:50:56 PDT 2015

I need to add labels to a line layer which I want to sit on the "wrong" 
side of the line. I am trying to accomplish this by setting the label 
placement to:

* Parallel
* Below line only (Above line unchecked)
* Line orientation dependent position
* Rotation = 180

With "Show upside-down labels" on rendering tab set to always.

This does succeed in printing label below line, but not rotating the 
label. I tried other rotation values, and they seem to have no effect. I 
also tried setting placement to Horizontal to see if Parallel was, 
basically, ignoring the rotation in order to force the label to be 
parallel, and that has no effect.

I confirmed that rotation value does work as expected for polygon and 
point layers. I notice the docs 
specifically say that rotation is available for point and polygon, but 
is silent on the issue of lines. And yet the option is present in the 
dialog box.


Lee Hachadoorian
Assistant Professor in Geography, Temple University
Assistant Director, Professional Science Master's in GIS

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