[Qgis-user] Clipping line layers

Graham Smith myotistwo at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 13:24:55 PST 2015

I am trying to clip some layers from Ordnance Survey vector  files with
QGIS 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS running in Virtual Box running on WIN7.

I have these OS layers, which cover a far bigger area than I want to work


I created a new polygon layer called Clip, and added a rectangular polygon
on this layer that extended over the area I wanted to clip.

The three Polygon layers clipped as expected, but with the line layers I
just get a blank shape file.

I have converted the two line layers from multipart to singlepart

I have checked that all layers are EPSG"27700-OSGB 1936/National Grid, by
double clicking on the layer and reading what the CRS is set at. I have
 switched off the Project level "Enable on the fly CRS transformations and
all layers stay aligned.

I created two new shape  layers using WGS84 one for the "clip" layer and a
new STsurfaceWater_line layer, just to see if it was something to do with
the CRS, but they didn't work either.

I have tried using one of the clipped layers and the intersect command to
clip the line layers but that just gives me the same blank shape file.

I have waited until the "OK" in the clip dialog box becomes active again
after a clip, to give the clip operation time to complete.

Continued searching just gives advice that repeats what I have already
found and tried.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong.


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