[Qgis-user] Strange behaviour importing data from postgis

Bo Victor Thomsen bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 05:14:27 PST 2015

Igor -

Yes, the splitting of a table in several parts in QGIS , each containing 
only one type of geometry objects is standard behaviour.

A workaround is to change all your "single"-point/line/polygons  to 
multi-point/line/polygons with an update command in the postgis table. I 
suspect there is a slight performance degradation using this method, but 
all your rows in the table will be represented in a single layer in QGIS.

Regarding your point table:

  * Does all your records in the point table actually have point object,
    i.e.none of the records contains NULL in the geometry column ?
  * Is your primary key for the table an integer value ? (QGIS needs a
    integer unique key for the table. The simplest method to ascertain
    this is to have an integer primary key for the table.)

Bo Victor

Den 23-02-2015 kl. 11:01 skrev Igor Sosa Mayor:
> Bo Victor Thomsen
> <bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com> writes:
>> It might be a point/multipoint issue. If your Postgis table contains
>> both point and multipoint entries, QGIS will represent the table as
>> _two_ tables in the "Add Postgis Layers" dialogue. One table with the
>> "point" type and another table with the same name, but with the
>> "multipoint" type. The reason for this behaviour it that a QGIS layer
>> can only contain _one_ specific type of object. And point and
>> multipoint object are different types. Line/Multiline and
>> Polygon/Multipolygon has the same issues.
> you're right in the case of an other table where I find: ST_MultiPolygon
> (5) and ST_Polygon (4227). (I can also see 2 tables in the dialog,... is
> the a standard solution for this?)
> But: in the table with points asking for the ST_GeometryType only
> returns ST_Points...

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