[Qgis-user] MySQL support Qgis on Mac

Gianfranco Di Pietro gianfrancodipietro at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 00:47:22 PDT 2015

     I recently buy an apple pc. (Mac Mini with iOS X Yosemite). I have
     installed Qgis 2.8 wien for Mac builded by KingChaos developers... with a
     great number of additional packages.. but.... my qgis do not support MySql
     vector connection...
     only available database connections are:
        - ODCB
        - ERSI Personal GeoDatabase
        - MSSQL
        - OGDI
        - PostgreSQL
     It is possible? Why not!
     in other OS (windows and linux) the same qgis release have MySql. Is it a
     OS capability settings?
     Thank you,
     *Gianfranco Di Pietro*

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