[Qgis-user] Issues to install QGIS on RedHat 6

Matthias Kuhn matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
Wed Jun 10 01:42:03 PDT 2015

After checking again, I realized that I originally did not compile any
version after 2.0.1 because of the fact that the Qt version on RHEL 6 is
4.6. Newer QGIS versions require at least Qt 4.7 (actually even the
2.0.1 release has been modified in order to be able to run with Qt 4.6).

It would certainly be possible to provide QGIS for RHEL 6 with one of
the following options:

 * Patch the QGIS code to remove post-Qt-4.6-features (would need to be
re-done for every QGIS release)
 * Create Qt 4.8 packages for RHEL (would replace Qt 4.6, hence break
other apps)
 * Create Qt 5 packages for RHEL (requires building some dependencies
once and optionally evaluating the status of PyQGIS for Qt5 if plugins
are required)

Best regards,

On 06/10/2015 09:45 AM, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Hi,
> There was never a release for 6Workstation and the last release for
> 6Server was available for 2.0.1. I symlinked the 6Workstation now so
> you should be able to install 2.0.1 from there - but that's probably
> not what you need.
> I am currently trying to create packages for 2.8.2. If it just works I
> will make them available ASAP. I am not totally aware of the status of
> all dependencies, so we will have to wait and see how much trouble
> there is.
> Regards,
> Matthias
> On 06/09/2015 08:33 PM, Tudorache, Marian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have issue to install QGIS 2.8 on Linux RedHat 6.
>> First part: I installed ELGIS and EPEL using the instructions from:
>> http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#rhel-centos-scientific-linux
>> The following commands were successfully executed
>> sudo wget fedora.vitu.ch/EL/qgis.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
>> sudo rpm --import http://fedora.vitu.ch/Fedora/RPM-GPG-Key-vitu
>> <http://fedora.vitu.ch/Fedora/RPM-GPG-Key-vitu>
>> But the execution of the next one failed:
>> sudo yum update
>> I got this error:
>> http://fedora.vitu.ch/EL/6Workstation/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:
>> [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404"
>> Trying other mirror.
>> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for
>> repository: qgis. Please verify its path and try again
>> This command failed as well.
>> sudo yum install qgis qgis-python qgis-grass qgis-mapserver
>> It seems the issue has been reported on Apr 14 2014 but no solution
>> was release. It seems the location
>> http://fedora.vitu.ch/EL/6Workstation/x86_64/repodata/does not exist
>> anymore or was changed and instructions were not updated.
>> Does anyone know a solution?
>> Thanks,
>> Marian
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