[Qgis-user] Customised attributes form

emmexx emmexx at tiscalinet.it
Tue Mar 17 15:37:46 PDT 2015

Il 03/13/2015 10:50 AM, Matthias Kuhn scrisse:
> Create a python plugin that registers a custom widget like the one in
> the referenced blog post.

Following your tips I created a plugin that registers a tree widget.
And following the tutorial that you linked I was able to add a parameter 
to set the layer that the treewidget should use as a model (sort of) for 

There's only one glitch. I expected that that parameter would be saved 
when saving the project and loaded when opening it. But that is not the 

class TreeWidgetWrapperFactory( QgsEditorWidgetFactory ):
   def readConfig( self, elem, layer, idx ):
     """ Read a config object from an XML element """
     config = dict()
     config['MyTreeWidget'] = elem.attribute( 'MyTreeWidget' )
     return config

The readConfig function never runs. I don't understand what could be 
wrong because I copied and pasted the tutorial code for that class and 
changed only the name of the parameter where to save the configuration 
("MyTreeWidget" instead of "rule".)

All other functions regarding config['MyTreeWidget'] in the 
wrapperConfig and WrapperFactory classes work as expected.

Inside the qgs file of the project I found 2 "instances" where the 
parameter is present:

<projectlayers layercount="2">
     <edittype widgetv2type="MyQTreeWidget" name="TYPE">
       <widgetv2config fieldEditable="1" labelOnTop="0" 
     <edittype widgetv2type="MyQTreeWidget" name="TYPE">
       <widgetv2config fieldEditable="1" labelOnTop="0" 

What am I missing?

Thank you


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