[Qgis-user] Problem Displaying KML Files in QGIS 2.10.1 64-bit Windows 7

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Mon Nov 9 17:43:00 PST 2015

Something you could try is to display the WMS link (which may or may not 
be helpful) - The last thing on the Website is a link to the WMS 

If you haven't customized QGS much - The 6th icon on the Manage layers 
toolbar provides the ability to add a WMS link (toolbar on your left). 
Click that and Create a new Connection (naming it what you wish) and 
copying the above link into the URL portion. Click Connect. Select the 
top line and click Add. Ignore any error messages (2.12 provides one) 
and then you can view the data. Of course it's a WMS so not as 
functional as vector data but it's at least something.

I tried ripping the kml through ogr2ogr and there were errors upon 
errors and I sorta went crosseyed thinking about it.


On 11/08/2015 12:50 AM, Terry Morse wrote:
> I'm trying to display two KML layers of U.S. Pacific coast littoral 
> cells, one line and one polygon 
> (https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/55ce7ca2e4b01487cbfc711a), 
> in QGIS 2.10.1 without success.
> I am able to display the line file in Google Earth. I think I once 
> succeeded in opening the polygon file in Google Earth, but 
> subsequently have been unable to, so I may be mistaken. I can't tell 
> whether the polygon file just takes inordinately long to open, or 
> whether there is something wrong with it.
> I can add both files to QGIS as vector layers, but no lines or 
> polygons are visible. When I open the properties dialogues for each, 
> the style and labels tabs are blank. If I try to save the layer as a 
> shapefile, I get the error:
>     Export to vector file failed.
>     Error: creation of layer failed (OGR error:Geometry type of `3D
>     Geometry Collection' not supported in shapefiles.
>     Type can be overridden with a layer creation option
>     of
> If I try to save the layer as a shape file using that layer creation 
> option, it fails with the error:
>     Export to vector file failed.
>     Error: creation of layer failed (OGR error:Unknown SHPT value of
>     passed to Shapefile layer creation. Creation aborted.)
> Can anyone suggest how I can open these files in QGIS? I have 
> successfully opened other KML files as layers in QGIS, so I think the 
> problem is with these specific files, not QGIS's ability to handle KML 
> files.
> Thank you,
> Terry Morse
> tmorse at teleport.com
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Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
twitter:rjhale     http://about.me/rjhale
Southeast OSGEO: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Southeast_US

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