[Qgis-user] python or plugin to automatically download/refresh a mssql table

Damien Stephens Damien.Stephens at sandfire.com.au
Sun Oct 4 02:40:32 PDT 2015

I use qgis in the field as well as the office and have most of my data stored in a corporate mssql database. I can link to it easily enough, but that data is then not available when I am in the field, as I do not have an internet connection.
I can also setup a link and download to a table for use offline, but when I come back to the office I have to create another link and redownload the data.

Ideally what I would like is to have a toggle on the mssql link dialog with the options to either link or create a cached version, where with the cached version there would be another button to refresh the link.

Alternatively just a python script that could be setup with the database name, database table and the sql filter so that I could run as required.

Does anyone have anything along these lines, or should I make the feature request on the qgis site.

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