[Qgis-user] The XML of getcapabilities should not have any ascii code over 128

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Sun Oct 4 06:30:42 PDT 2015

Hi Andrea,

Is it really that there should only be 7bit characters or is it that the
encoding is not properly set in the answer?
XML fully supports utf-8 (it is even the default character encoding) and
I assume that in 2015 every modern XML client should support this as well.

Can you give an example server address and ideas of affected clients?

I have the feeling that there's something else fishy and if there is
really a need to replace characters above 127 then it should be an
opt-in configuration option.


On 10/04/2015 11:59 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi,
> we experienced this user case problem.
> In the qgis-server getcapabilities response the information of the
> "Abstract" is taken from the field:
> layer-properties -> metadata -> Abstract.
> But ofet the user fill this field with some cut/paste from other documents.
> So doing, if fill this field with many unacceptable character.
> Like these:
> “ ” ’
> or the very hard to see "no blank space".
> The qgis accept all of this without any problem,
> but when return the repsonse from a GetCapabiities request.
> The response is not valid for the xml.
> So many standard xml clients report a not well formed xml.
> We don't have any good ideas to how resolve this issue.
> My question is if could be possible in the qgis-server site to do a
> xml conversion of all this character.
> Instead of send them directly.
> AFAIK all of this could be coded to be corected coded in a XML response.
> Any thought on this ?
> Thx.

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