[Qgis-user] The XML of getcapabilities should not have any ascii code over 128

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 08:14:04 PDT 2015

Hi Mattias,
Sorry, but I cannot show rapidly you the question because I just remove 
manually any character that fail the test of xml wellformed response 
from our services.

I could try to prepare a testing project, but not just now.

However meanwhile I try to better explain the question:

There are two kind of potential problems in a response to a 
getcapabilites request:

Both come from the user that usually fill the fields using a 
copy/and/paste. from other kind of document.
Please note that an abstract could be filled with more than one 
copy/paste from more document every one with its own Character-set 
(utf8, cp1252, and so on) so the abstract became a mix of text in 
several character-sets.

I know that if the text pasted is a true UTF8 all go perhaps better.
But when the user fill it using a copy/and/paste from a word document,
it is not using an UTF8 but instead a CP1252 in local language (italian, 
francais, english, or deutch language, every one with its own  
particular languages characters).
For us they are these:
but also the word microsoft: when the user copy/paste from it a text 
with inside a ' char, it became another char

’  char

This char could be acceptable if it was coded in a UT8, but if it is 
pasted from a word document in CP1252 it became an unaccptable document 
for some (perhaps for several) xml clients.

A second (but not secondary) question is also the potential use of XML 
restricted characters inside the text pasted.

An XML could be an utf-8 response, but however it cannot have any of the 
expecially characters of XML.

I guess for example to chars <, > , &

So if the user copy/paste a text like:

...The dataset is filtered using the rule [VAR] < 10.000.000

The char "<" if go to fail the response xml.

The better for xml client solution is to put the restricted char inside 
a CDATA section or escaping them.
, of-course we could ask to the user to fill the abstract setting every 
restricted char inside a CDATA section, but actually QGIS say nothing 
for it , so the user don't know is it is pasting a text with some 
restricted char.

Hope to better explain the question.


Il 04/10/2015 15:30, Matthias Kuhn ha scritto:
> Hi Andrea,
> Is it really that there should only be 7bit characters or is it that the
> encoding is not properly set in the answer?
> XML fully supports utf-8 (it is even the default character encoding) and
> I assume that in 2015 every modern XML client should support this as well.
> Can you give an example server address and ideas of affected clients?
> I have the feeling that there's something else fishy and if there is
> really a need to replace characters above 127 then it should be an
> opt-in configuration option.
> Matthias
> On 10/04/2015 11:59 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we experienced this user case problem.
>> In the qgis-server getcapabilities response the information of the
>> "Abstract" is taken from the field:
>> layer-properties -> metadata -> Abstract.
>> But ofet the user fill this field with some cut/paste from other documents.
>> So doing, if fill this field with many unacceptable character.
>> Like these:
>> “ ” ’
>> or the very hard to see "no blank space".
>> The qgis accept all of this without any problem,
>> but when return the repsonse from a GetCapabiities request.
>> The response is not valid for the xml.
>> So many standard xml clients report a not well formed xml.
>> We don't have any good ideas to how resolve this issue.
>> My question is if could be possible in the qgis-server site to do a
>> xml conversion of all this character.
>> Instead of send them directly.
>> AFAIK all of this could be coded to be corected coded in a XML response.
>> Any thought on this ?
>> Thx.
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