[Qgis-user] The XML of getcapabilities should not have any ascii code over 128

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 08:27:40 PDT 2015

Hi Mattias in my previous response I forget to responde directly to your 

You have right.
The XML is not only 7bit chars.
And if it was a correctly UTF8 text it could host any chars.

The question is that often (really often) the user to avoid the editin 
directly in the qgis interface, write the text in another editing software:
microsoft word, libreoffice, or in a email client to exchaning the text 
with other users of the responsible group.
After the responsible group has validate the text .
The user copy/and/paste the text in the abstract field of the qgis 
project using the qgis interface.

The rule to use only char in the first 7bit domain is a try to reduce 
the problems.
Infact afaik the chars in the first 7 bit are the same in every 


Il 04/10/2015 15:30, Matthias Kuhn ha scritto:
> Hi Andrea,
> Is it really that there should only be 7bit characters or is it that the
> encoding is not properly set in the answer?
> XML fully supports utf-8 (it is even the default character encoding) and
> I assume that in 2015 every modern XML client should support this as well.

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