[Qgis-user] Setting up a local user group: How to do it?

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Sep 13 12:43:44 PDT 2015

On 13-09-15 19:52, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:

>> another option would maybe be that you blog about your use of QGIS in
>> Bavaria (I'm happy to let you write something on qgis.nl) AND ask for
>> fellow users in that blogpost. Such blogposts show up on the frontpage
>> of qgis.org, on planet.qgis.org (and if you are running master, in your
>> qgis startup screen :-) )
> Setting up my own blog is on my to-do-list for almost ... 6 years or so.
> But I fear i have not much to tell ...
> Writing sth on qgis.nl would be an option though ... will get in touch.
> planet.qgis.org is familiar to me, but I can't see where posts get
> displayed on qgis.org

Well, the full posts are all on planet.qgis.org which is an news
aggregator. But the titles/headlines are on the frontpage in the part
"latest news" almost on the bottom.
There is also an 'upcoming user & developer meetings' option there. By
sending an email to the community list or me, OR editing this file:


your usergroup event will show up there

EVENT ORGANISERS, please let us know your events so they show up on the
frontpage !!!

I've added the Kassel and UK events just now...

>> last option I could come up with is ask one of the english user-group
>> starters for ideas and/or help...
> Good idea. Have to find links somewhere ...

Note the post of Andreas about meeting the german user group, but if you
go the the latest news item on the frontpage of qgis.org there are some
links to:

The UK usergroup:



Richard Duivenvoorde

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