[Qgis-user] Scale behaviour
reichert at hochrhein-bodensee.de
Wed Sep 16 06:01:16 PDT 2015
when I'm selecting a scale of the scale selection list it's always
represented in an scale "nearby" the selected value (1:22.569 instead of
1:25.000, 1:11.284 instead 1:10.000, 1:5.642 instead of 1:5000). SRS/KBS
is preselected on EPSG 31467, and units as 'Meter'. Alle physical layers
are projected in 31467, severeal wms are in wgs 84/EPSG 3857. Projection
on the fly is activated to 31467
What else must be configured to obtain the selected scale exactly?
Qgis 2.8.1
Thanks in advance
Regionalverband Hochrhein-Bodensee (RVHB)
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reichert at hochrhein-bodensee.de
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