[Qgis-user] Open Layers Plugin - Question about Google Maps/Earth Policy

Rachel du Plessis rachel at godadventure.org
Tue Sep 22 01:27:01 PDT 2015


I am operating on OS X version 10.9.5 and am using QGIS 2.6.1 - Brighton. I
am using the Open Layers Plugin version 1.3.6 (Google maps) to create
shapefiles and edit existing shapefiles over the Google map plugin data. I
happened notice that in the Google Maps/Earth Permissions page under "Geo
Permissions" a FAQ was posed:


"I'd like to trace a map using your imagery. Can I?" The response: "You may
not use Google Maps or Google Earth as the basis for tracing your own maps
or other geographic content." My question: Does QGIS have some sort of
agreement with Google Maps/Earth which allow the mapping community to use
the plugin they have provided? Can anyone assist?

East London, South Africa
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