[Qgis-user] qgis WPS-Client input

Jonas Pedersen dollarklavs at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 01:26:25 PDT 2016

Hi List and especially those that know anything about the WPS-Client plugin,

I’m creating a WPS that can calculate a line of sight from a start point (with a custom height) to an end point.

The service itself works as I can input the start and end point as GML in an URL  as in the below URL and get a return result.,6197923%3C/gml:coordinates%3E%3C/gml:Point%3E;endpoint=%3Cgml:Point%3E%3Cgml:coordinates%3E711370,6197970%3C/gml:coordinates%3E%3C/gml:Point%3E;height=20&Version=1.0.0& <,6197923%3C/gml:coordinates%3E%3C/gml:Point%3E;endpoint=%3Cgml:Point%3E%3Cgml:coordinates%3E711370,6197970%3C/gml:coordinates%3E%3C/gml:Point%3E;height=20&Version=1.0.0&>

(Doesn’t work externally yet)

But when opening the service in the qgis WPS-Client plugin I can’t figure out what input’s will make the service work there. 

The WPS service is created using the zoo-project framework and the input data is defined as:

        mimeType = text/xml
        encoding = UTF-8
        schema = http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.0/base/feature.xsd <http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.0/base/feature.xsd>

When inputting a vector point in the WPS client I get an error that states “Invalid GML representation…”

See screenshot from my gis.stackexchange question for the entire error.

http://gis.stackexchange.com/q/187473/52250 <http://gis.stackexchange.com/q/187473/52250>

How does the WPS-Client interpret GML?


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