[Qgis-user] Splitting Spatialite layers

custard custard at westnet.com.au
Sun Dec 11 17:39:10 PST 2016

Hi All,
As a  mostly shape/tab file user, I've been attempting to experiment
with spatialite dbs a bit recently, and am starting to get a bit more
used to them. I'm hitting a problem with splitting objects though, and
wondered if this annoyance counted as a bug?
If I have a spatialite layer and split an object, that's fine. But
when I save the layer I get a "Could not commit changes to layer
LayerName" banner. If I press "Show more" then I get something like

	Could not commit changes to layer layername 

	Errors: SUCCESS: 1 geometries were changed. 

	 SUCCESS: 1 attribute value(s) changed. 

	 ERROR: 4 feature(s) not added. 

	 Provider errors: 

	 SQLite error: UNIQUE constraint failed: LayerName.pkuid 

VALUES (ST_Multi(GeomFromWKB(?, 28351)),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 


	I'm not populaing the pkuid data, so I think QGIS is auto filling

	I think that what's happening is that when QGIS splits the feature
both new parts have the same pkuid number. Certainly if I go in
manually and change the field I can save without errors.

	 If QGIS is auto filling this column, ought it not be handling the
splitting case too?


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