[Qgis-user] Open attribute table in form view by default

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Feb 8 05:00:27 PST 2016

Hi Stefan,

I don't know such a setting. And no - you did not overlook it.

The only tool that opens the form view by default is the identify tool - 
if the checkbox is enabled that opens the form if there only one target. 
But then you can't easily switch to the table view.$


On 08.02.2016 13:19, Blumentrath, Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a setting where I can specify that an attribute table should 
> be opened in form view by default?
> I tried searched both Layer properties and Setting options but did not 
> find anything. Did I simply overlook it?
> Cheers
> Stefan
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