[Qgis-user] custom string formatting for grid coordinate labels

Claas Leiner claas.leiner at gkg-kassel.de
Thu Feb 18 05:15:50 PST 2016


With Unicode Characters is a good idea. As the code is implemented 
directly in a QGIS-Expression me remains a mystery.
I have searched for the mark on LibreOffice (insert special characters) 
and then copied using CTRL-C / CTRL-V in the expression.

With this expression:

when @grid_axis = 'x' then (substr(@grid_number ,1,5) || '⁰⁰⁰ ᴱ')
when @grid_axis = 'y' then (substr(@grid_number ,1,5) || '⁰⁰⁰ ᴺ')

Do I get the coordinates marking shown in the attached image.

Best wishes

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