[Qgis-user] Relations capabilities

Brent Wood pcreso at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 23 17:16:07 PST 2016

Firstly, thanks to those who already helped me with this.
I have established a relation between non-spatial catch records in a postgis table and a table of station information (linked via foreign key).
If I click on a station with the info tool, I can see the various catch records from that station - so the relation is working.
But that seems to be it. If I filter on the species in the catch, that only applies to the catch data showing up when I select a station - it does NOT hide stations where that species was not caught. I cannot change symbology based on a relation, I cannot select features based on a relation - all I can do is view the records - and with 70 fields in the station layer, the catch records are just a small window at the bottom of the form.
It seems that to be useful I need to create the view or table in the database & access this with QGIS - whioch has issues for users without create access in the database - which is most of them.
Is work on this area (relations) of QGIS actively ongoing, or should I look for non-QGIS approaches?
  Brent Wood

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