[Qgis-user] crash loading missing wfs connection

emmexx emmexx at tiscalinet.it
Sun Jan 24 01:42:02 PST 2016

Il 01/23/2016 08:46 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde scrisse:
> Tried to reply your scenario here with latest master:
> - one 2.8 geoserver on 8080, layer foo
> - one 2.6 geoserver on 8080 without layer foo
> - starting qgis with 2.8/foo
> - while layer loaded, stop 2.8 and start 2.6
> - no problems, only I miss data (off course)

That is not my scenario. :-)

I create a geoserver instance that I call gs281. Its url is 
username: foo
password: 1234

I start qgis and add a connection to a layer of that instance.
I close qgis.

I stop geoserver and start the production instance.
Its url is
username: foo2
password: 5678

I start qgis and it crashes.


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