[Qgis-user] Create a KML using QGIS

Ventura Bartolomeo bartolomeo.ventura at eurac.edu
Mon Jan 25 06:55:16 PST 2016

Hi all,

Starting from a .csv file I created a kml file using QGIS (2.8 Wien). The .csv file has 5 columns in the following order: Latitude, Longitude, Name, parameter and temporal acquisition. When I create the .kml file it puts the place-mark in the correct position but instead of seeing names I see numbers. These numbers correspond to the "Feature Id" showed when clicking on "Identify feature" button.

Is there a way to change these numbers into another value, possibly using the "name" column directly, in order to see the name and not a number on Google Earth?

Thanks in advance

_ _

Dr. Ventura Bartolomeo
Institute for Applied Remote Sensing
Technology for Environmental Monitoring

EURAC research
Viale Druso 1, I-39100 Bolzano, Italy
t +39 0471 055 374
f +39 0471 055 389
bartolomeo.ventura at eurac.edu<mailto:bartolomeo.ventura at eurac.edu>

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