[Qgis-user] Layer join

Christoph Lauber christoph.lauber at geoplanteam.ch
Thu Jul 7 01:10:35 PDT 2016



I would like to report two issues in QGIS software with the version 2.14.3.


First, I have the same problem as reported in
https://hub.qgis.org/issues/13480 . When I used the join layer and uncheck
"Cache join layer in virtual memory", the join is only done on the first
attribute. Then, this first attribute is assigned for all data. 


Second, if I check "Cache join layer in virtual memory", the join is fine.
Nevertheless, if a new element is introduced in the "join layer", it does
not appear in the "join field" until I refresh the join by clicking "OK"
again in the dialog "Add vector join" or the whole project is restarted.


Is there any solution or workaround for these issues?

Thanks for your inputs.




Freundliche GrĂ¼sse

Christoph Lauber


GeoplanTeam AG dipl. Ing. ETH/SIA Hutzli+Kluser
Vermessung | Geoinformatik | Umwelttechnik
Egliweg 6, CH - 2560 Nidau
Phone:(+41) - 032 332 78 00
Fax:(+41) - 032 332 78 01
Web:  <http://www.geoplanteam.ch/> www.geoplanteam.ch
E-Mail:  <mailto:christoph.lauber at geoplanteam.ch>
christoph.lauber at geoplanteam.ch


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