[Qgis-user] Using QGIS to create Geoserver SLD
Jonathan Moules
jonathan-lists at lightpear.com
Wed Jul 20 06:16:53 PDT 2016
Hi Richard,
> I would welcome the opportunity to join the hackathon. Is there any further details on this, Date, Time virtual access portal? Im afraid, I would have to virtually attend.
See: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint#GeoTools.2FGeoServer
20th and 21st of August. For virtual participation: - I'm not sure what venue they plan on using. Andrea may be able to advise (cc'd)
---- On Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:34:32 +0100 Richard McDonnell<richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie> wrote ----
Not quite sure what you are looking for, but If I have your gist.
I have done some work on a OSM Dataset for Ireland, both styled in QGIS and in Geoserver.
The dataset is stored as a PostGIS database and served on Geoserver. So I would have examples of how I replicated styling on both.
I could provide a dump of the database, which also has the styling for QGIS saved as a table, and a copy of the SLD files for Geoserver.
You may have some difficulty with the symbology though on the GeoServer Side, even though I used QGIS Symbols we have them served centrally so as they can be accessed by geoserver.
The SLD's for GeoServer where created a while ago, and I was still learning so they may be a little messy. I also have little to no experience in programming....
I could also give examples of other issues I have come across, along with my solutions to these.
As a topic of discussion though, the biggest issue at present is labels, QGIS SLD'd don't save labels, I found that to be the most tricky part of styling to date. Also the use of attributes in the styling, for example, having a text rotation and size attribute, I have examples of this also, but wont be able to provide data, as its commercially sensitive and we don't own the dataset ourselves.
I would welcome the opportunity to join the hackathon. Is there any further details on this, Date, Time virtual access portal? Im afraid, I would have to virtually attend.
On 19/07/2016 13:46, Luigi Pirelli wrote:
Hi Richard
can you prepare a test case that have to be solved pusching somewhere? I mean
1) base layer
2) a workflow to have it in geoserver and qgis (a qgs project)
3) the expected rendering in QGIS and/or Geoserver (images)
4) specify versions for geoserver and qgis
5) any additional data (e.g sld or qml) with workflow to replicate your experience
in this way you can help to target punctual problems if a general solution can't be found.
As Richard said, please feel free to join to the "hackaton" in Bonn, remotely or live.
Luigi Pirelli
* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Mastering QGIS: https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/mastering-qgis
On 19 July 2016 at 13:48, Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie> wrote:
Hello all,
Ok, I have been looking at this for a while, and I think I have it nailed down pretty well.
There has been some issues with using QGIS SLD's in Geoserver.
The following should enable you to utilise the styling power of QGIS and make it compatible with Geoserver
In the main, this process only works for geometry, and will not work for styling text it may require some additional tweaking here and there also.
Firstly, style your layer the way you want.
Next save your style as a SLD.
Open the SLD in Notepad++ or other text editor
Create a new blank text document and use the following as a template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"
<!-- Start -->
<!-- COPY AND PASTE QGIS SLD CODE BETWEEN <FeatureTypeStyle> and </FeatureTypeStyle> IN HERE-->
<!-- End -->
Copy the code between but excluding <FeatureTypeStyle> and </FeatureTypeStyle> and paste it into the new document overwriting <!-- COPY AND PASTE QGIS SLD CODE BETWEEN <FeatureTypeStyle> and </FeatureTypeStyle> IN HERE-->
Find and replace the following:
· se: with nothing (effectively deleting it) so for example where you have <se:Rule> it becomes <Rule>
· <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"> with <ogc:Filter>
· Delete all instances of <Description>…..</Description> inclusive of everything in between (usually a Title)
· SvgParameter with CssParameter
One other thing where you utilise Map units (meters, feet or pixel) in your styling you will have to use the following examples shown in the link below
I would ask the question, would it be possible to create a simple Geoserver Style using what I have found above?? adding an option to save the QGIS style using the above rules?
If anyone has any questions or needs any clarification let me know, If I can help I will.
Richard McDonnell
OPW - Ag féachaint don am atá le teacht - Ag caomhnú ón am atá thart
OPW - Looking to the future - Caring for the past
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Richard McDonnell
GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI
OPW FRM Data Management
52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.
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