[Qgis-user] QGis crashes when geoprocessing

Pim Verver pim at travelingo.nl
Fri May 6 03:13:09 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I have installed on a Windows 10 desktop computer, a QGis 2.14.2 64bit version. First a discovered that every time I tried to buffer points or polygons it was only the MMQGis plugin that did the job, all the other buffer functions from 1) the Processing Toolbox, the 2) Multiple Distance Plugin and 3) via Vector, Geoprocessing-tools all showed erratic results and a crash of QGis. Today I tried to do some clipping. The clipping by the Processing Toolbox worked, but by Vector, Geoprocessing-tools it crashed again.

All crashes show a log dump file with the message : 'The thread tried to read or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access'

I plan to do some geoprocessing in the near future and I have 2 questions:

1)      What's the difference between the MMQGis, Geoprocessing-Toolbox en the Processing Toolbox?

2)      Is there anything that I can check in order to prevent  further crashes?

Any suggestions will be appreciated

Kind regards,

Pim Verver

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