[Qgis-user] Using Values from selected object in printcomposer

Schweizer Martin Martin.Schweizer at bd.so.ch
Sat Nov 12 07:00:49 PST 2016


I want to select a object in QGIS, then open a printcomposer and use a value from the selected object.

Selected object from Layer 1: ogc_fid = 42, name = polygon123, value = 3
Text in printcomposer (as it should be): "The object polygon123 has the value 3"

Is there a way to do such things?

Thank you and best regards
Martin Schweizer
Amt für Geoinformation
Rötistrasse 4
4500 Solothurn
Telefon +41 32 627 75 47
Telefax +41 32 627 22 14
martin.schweizer at bd.so.ch<mailto:martin.schweizer at bd.so.ch>

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