[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.16 is slowly that 2.8

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Oct 3 07:44:30 PDT 2016

Hi Radek, 

Is this about data that resides locally on your machine or from a
network drive? 


On 2016-10-03 15:50, Radek Červenka wrote:

> Hi, 
> Render in version 2.16 of big (more than 50 000 elements) vektor data  (SHP, DB spatilite) is slowly than in version 2.8. 
> Does anyone have experience with this problem. 
> QGIS 2.16 (1-3) on windows 7-64bit 
> Thank you  
> RCE  
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