[Qgis-user] Jointure request
Nicolas Cadieux
nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Thu Oct 13 07:24:36 PDT 2016
Then I must have a bad install...
> Le 13 oct. 2016 à 10:03, DelazJ [via OSGeo.org] <ml-node+s1560n5290574h55 at n6.nabble.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> 2016-10-13 15:53 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cadieux <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi,
>> If you have a clean install of 2.16, you should not have the vector menu for those tool. They should be only be found in the processing toolbox.
> Not really true. The old Ftools algorithms in Vector menu have been removed and replaced by Processing ones but to ease access to these Toolbox functions (and to not confuse people), paths through the Vector menu are kept. So (the same) functions are available in vector menu and Processing toolbox.
> http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog216/index.html#feature-ftools-plugin-has-been-replaced-with-processing-algorithms
> Regards,
> Harrissou
>> If you have it in both places, I would destroy the registry keys and destroy or rename (better) the .qgis folders found for every user in the machine. I should be a hidden file. That will reset qgis and take away a possible mess that happens with the processing toolbox. You will need to reinstall all the plugins or copy them back. Just don't copy the processing folders.
>> You could try moving the data to a local drive, not a Dropbox. You could try on a smaller sample to find the source of the errors or try to export to a shape file and try again.
>> Google the error
>> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/153668/spatial-query-the-query-from-layername-using-fid-in-field-not-possible
>> There could be other tools you could use in saga or grass (via processing tb). Try saga first.
>> Good luck
>> Nicolas
>>> Le 13 oct. 2016 à 09:29, Erwan Conseil [via OSGeo.org] <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>>> suite : i used the Qgis tools like the "processing "plugin or "vector menu" . I used also the Sqlte base for the data from the government but the layer and request's result are only in a repertory in Dropbox ...
>>>> Le 13/10/2016 à 15:23, Erwan Conseil a écrit :
>>>> HI
>>>> thank for your answer !
>>>> So , il have checked the geometry : no multipolygones at all
>>>> I have also tried "intersect" : instead of having 3900 objects , i have 5500 ...but without the possibility to create a new layer ( a message of error : not new layer with "FID" : a don'nt no what is it ...) The old "bad"plots of land are now included in the selection but new one are also present ...these news one have no building visible on the map If you understand ...
>>>> Laurent
>>>>> Le 13/10/2016 à 13:21, Nicolas Cadieux a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Make sure don't have multi-polygones. Try "intersect" not "contain". What algorithm are you using (qgis,saga,grass...?)
>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>> Le 13 oct. 2016 à 07:10, Karl-Magnus Jönsson [via OSGeo.org] <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> How do you do the spatial join? Are you using a database?
>>>>>> Karl-Magnus Jönsson
>>>>>> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>>>>>> Från: Qgis-user [mailto:[hidden email]] För Erwan Conseil
>>>>>> Skickat: den 13 oktober 2016 13:02
>>>>>> Till: [hidden email]
>>>>>> Ämne: Re: [Qgis-user] Jointure request
>>>>>> i forgot ...the geometries are correct ..
>>>>>> Le 13/10/2016 à 12:40, Erwan Conseil a écrit :
>>>>>> > Hi
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > i a have a little pb with the jointures ... certainly simple ...but ..
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I try a spatial jointure between a layer with buildings and a layer
>>>>>> > with plots of land . With that , i try to have all the polts of land
>>>>>> > with a building ... So , i make a spatial jointure with " plots of
>>>>>> > land" contains " buildings" . But some plots are indeed in the layer
>>>>>> > of plots of land ( exist in the table and visible on the map ) . Also
>>>>>> > the buidings of these plots exist in the table of buiding ( and
>>>>>> > visible on the map ). But ...but , the spatial jointure give nothing
>>>>>> > for these plots and buiding ...On the map , i see the buiding , the
>>>>>> > plot but the plot dos'nt appear like a "plot with buiding"...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The too layers are in the same projection ... I don't know wher is the
>>>>>> > pb and ..the solution !
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thank a lot for the help !!
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Laurent
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > ( precisions : work with a Mac and Qgis 2.16 )
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
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