[Qgis-user] 2 Questions

Tyler Veinot tylerkveinot at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 03:57:38 PDT 2017

I found the spot for the layers, feeling a bit daft for missing that one.
What about making a python script a push button action/tool? Is there away
to do that or will I have to build it as a plugin?

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Tyler Veinot <tylerkveinot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks guys
> Sent from my Bell Sony device over Canada’s largest network.
> ---- Xan Vieiro wrote ----
> 2. Is there a way to lock features so that when I open the map in QField I
> can see those layers but cannot select or edit them? I want to lock my
> basemap features so that only my "working layers" are selectable and
> editable in QField. I partially accomplished this using a tool that builds
> the basemap into raster tiles but at small scales the labels interfere with
> each other.
> Presets works fine with QField. Located at the Layer Panel.
> 2017-03-31 13:12 GMT+02:00 Tyler Veinot <tylerkveinot at gmail.com>:
>> Hello;
>> 1. Is there a tutorial on making a python script run by the click of a
>> button or do I have to build it as a plugin?
>> 2. Is there a way to lock features so that when I open the map in QField
>> I can see those layers but cannot select or edit them? I want to lock my
>> basemap features so that only my "working layers" are selectable and
>> editable in QField. I partially accomplished this using a tool that builds
>> the basemap into raster tiles but at small scales the labels interfere with
>> each other.
>> Thanks;
>> Tyler
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