[Qgis-user] Broken project file

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 17:49:42 PST 2017

Just in case you didn't know, there is also the project backup, the *.qgs~

A seg, 20/02/2017, 12:02, Árni Geirsson <arni at alta.is> escreveu:

> Hi again
> I did some hacking and systematically eliminated layers by commenting out
> <maplayer>...</maplayer> tags in the qgs file until I found an offending
> one. After deleting that one from the file, it loaded normally. I don't
> know what was wrong with that layer, it happened to be a virtual layer, I
> don't know if that is significant. Anyway, I managed to recover the file
> but the problem/bug remains.
> Arni
> On 20 February 2017 at 11:10, Árni Geirsson <arni at alta.is> wrote:
> Hi
> A few times I have seen project files break or become corrupt with the
> following symptoms: In the layers list, only layer groups and subgroups are
> shown, but no layers are shown under the groups or any other layers. The
> project is loaded in this way very quickly and the canvas is left blank.
> The message log panel shows no error, just the "QGIS Ready!".
> Does anyone have any clues about possible causes or ways to recover the
> broken files?
> The broken file appears to start and end normally, ending with the </qgis>
> tag.
> Arni
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Alexandre Neto
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