[Qgis-user] features visible in attribute table but not identifiable

Reginald Carlier Reginald.Carlier at ingelmunster.be
Fri Jul 28 05:49:34 PDT 2017


I am using QGIS 2.18.11.
When editing a shapefile I noticed a specific error.
Some features I added where not styled after adding but did show up in the attribute table.
When I zoom to the selected feature in the attribute table the parcel shows up.
When I try to identify them with the identify tool the features are missing.
Anyone has an explanation or similar experience?


Reginald Carlier
Deskundige GIS
Gemeente Ingelmunster ,  Oostrozebekestraat 4 ,  8770   Ingelmunster
T +32 51 33 74 39 www.ingelmunster.be
Raadpleeg onze disclaimer 
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