[Qgis-user] problems with 'geometry creator'

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sat Jun 10 17:01:15 PDT 2017

Hi there!

I'm experiencing problems using "geometry generator". Perhaps I don't
understand this tool correctly or perhaps I'm using it wrong. Could
anyone please help a look?

I've created five linestrings, which are connected to each other
(CRS is EPSG:25832):

LineString (452926.429 5430258.436, 474353.217 5556034.254)
LineString (474353.217 5556034.254, 651518.643 5480403.768)
LineString (651518.643 5480403.768, 768696.380 5642150.590)
LineString (768696.380 5642150.590, 716125.982 5713907.693)
LineString (716125.982 5713907.693, 797502.108 5831380.483)

I'm using single layer type "Geometry creator" and have set the type
to LineString/MultiLineString. Then I've tried these functions:

"line_merge( $geometry )" or "segments_to_lines( $geometry )"

Then I've used the bundled style "Road" on the created geometry.
But this is what's displayed: http://i.imgur.com/NwbIHjg.png
Actually, I thought, I would get a connected line, like using
"Symbol layers".

Can anyone help me with this? Am I doing it wrong?
I'm using QGIS v2.18.9.

Best regards,

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