[Qgis-user] Joining polylines with overlapping points to 1 polyline with merged points

Jens Verwaerde | Natuurpunt CVN jens.verwaerde at cvn.natuurpunt.be
Tue Jun 13 06:48:34 PDT 2017

I have a walking route, that I've digitized in 18 polylines, of which the
endpoint is the exact same location as the beginning point of the next

When I merge these 18 polylines, the overlapping points stay,
unfortunately, overlapping points. Visually there's no problem: they behave
as 1 polyline, but ... this causes all sorts of problems:
-- exporting to gpx gives faulty routes
-- combining these polylines to a polygon gives polygon rubbish
-- double (or even more) points stay, although I want them to be joined to
one point
-- tracing always stops when I reach the end or beginning of a polyline part

How can this be solved?

The only thing that actually worked for me is to make a new layer/shapefile
("traced.shp") and then manually trace the polylines (using the autotrace).
In Mapinfo this operation is way much more efficient.

So I'm looking for a way to make 1 polyline with non-overlapping points out
of a series of polylines in Qgis.

Jens Verwaerde

Website: http://cvn.natuurpunt.be
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