[Qgis-user] QGIS maps for Garmin GPS
Stephen Wandling
swandling at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 21:34:00 PST 2017
[I just noticed the typos in my Subject line. I hope that has not
violated any list etiquette.]
The OSM project sounds interesting, and as you say, there is more
interest in high density areas. If I did not have the number of
projects on the go that I have, I might take a look at it.
I live on the BC Sunshine Coast and bought 092G042, -043 and -053 from a
map store in Richmond. They did not have 092G052 so I downloaded the
PDF and they plotted it for me. The outfit they had been getting these
from went bankrupt and now the have no supplier for these maps. They
can plot mine for me, but cannot plot a bunch and sell them. In the
world of maps, British Columbia is a black hole.
Ignoring errors, in the maps I purchased, like a very significant local
creek is not on the provincial or federal maps, and they put another
creek in it's ravine, the biggest deficiency is that they only show
about 5% of the vast trail system in the Regional District. The SCRD
has these trail files on their open data site, along with lakes, parks,
etc., so I have no problem getting them.
This mapping, which has been all consuming for the last few months, is
only a part of a much bigger project. And I only have so much energy.
So, I seek the elegant, simple answer for my GPS map. But, I may just
shelve that project for now.
Thanks for your insights,
On 04/03/2017 7:10 PM, Brent Fraser wrote:
> Stephen,
> I'd recommend having another, closer look at the OSM project. It was
> created by by people just like you wanting a better base map. People
> all over world contribute either by digitizing features using Bing
> imagery on the OSM website, or by uploading their own GPS tracks.
> Various services then take OSM data and render beautiful basemap
> tiles, etc. so everyone can benefit.
> While their strategy worked very well in England (its birthplace)
> and other areas with a high population density, places like Canada
> have struggled. The Canadian federal government adjusted its license
> to allow bulk uploading of the 1:50K basemap data. But as you've
> pointed out, while it is better than nothing, it can be very out of
> date (a lot of maps haven't been updated since the 1980's). Don't get
> discouraged though; look at it as an opportunity to contribute. I've
> added trails from my Saskatchewan home town (along with street names,
> building names, etc), and paths in parks in Calgary. I get quite a
> feeling of satisfaction in seeing them instantly appearing in the
> OpenStreetMap mapping tiles.
> Many of the provinces have taken over base mapping from the Feds. I
> see that BC has made PDFs of their 1:20K mapping available at:
> http://geobc.gov.bc.ca/base-mapping/imagery/topographic.html
> Ironically, while they acknowledge using OSM data in their base
> maps, their own license appears to prevent their data being uploaded
> and used in OSM! Maybe they will come around to the idea of Open Data.
> What area (or map sheet) are you interested in?
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 3/4/2017 6:13 PM, Stephen Wandling wrote:
>> Phil,
>> Someone suggested the same OSM approach in an off list email. Here
>> was my response:
>>> I have just taken a look at OSM, and the maps there, for my area of
>>> interest, are taken from the ancient (pre 1992) British
>>> Columbia/Canada maps that are very incomplete and riddled with
>>> errors. It is because there are no accurate maps of this area that
>>> I resumed my struggles with GIS and have been making maps and having
>>> them plotted.
>> The areas I am creating maps for are entirely forest areas, with
>> streams, trails, roads, parks and that is about it. No buildings,
>> streets, etc.
>> In the last 20 years or so the mountain bikers and hikers, have put
>> in and documented hundreds of kilometers of trails along this coast.
>> The OSM maps have a single digit percentage of what is here now. And
>> many they do have have been obliterated by clear cut logging operations.
>> I have been making simple maps, that meet my needs, and having them
>> plotted at a local facility for $15 each, which is cheaper than the
>> incomplete/error ridden maps that one can purchase. I use these maps
>> to travel through this area on foot.
>> Now I wanted a better map for my GPS. So far, no luck.
>> Stephen
>> On 04/03/2017 4:28 PM, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt wrote:
>>> Depending on the size of the area involved and how 'custom' your
>>> maps are likely to be you may be better off looking at solutions
>>> from OSM. There are many sites that create files suitable for Garmin
>>> GPS
>>> http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/
>>> If the areas are small you could also create KMZ (Google Earth
>>> Files) and transfer them to your garmin device. These can be created
>>> in QGIS. Look at the plugin GarminCustomMap.
>>> Cheers - Phil
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf
>>> Of Stephen Wandling
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 5, 2017 11:03 AM
>>> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: [Qgis-user] QGOS maps fort Garmin GPS
>>> I am running QGIS 2.18.3 and am at a very early learning stage. I
>>> wish to create simple maps, with 2 or 3 shape files for my Garmin
>>> GPSMaps 76CSx. This map would consist of Trails and Streams shp
>>> files and maybe Contours. It would also be accepted by Mapsource
>>> and Base Camp.
>>> There were some tutorials that seemed like they were what I wanted,
>>> but they all failed in one regard or another: 1.) They were using an
>>> 'ancient' version of qgis. 2.) The maps they produced worked in
>>> just about every Garmin GPS except the one I own. 3.) They use a
>>> plug-in with a disclaimer that it will demolish my data. There were
>>> other issues, but my memory fails me.
>>> If someone out there is familiar with my situation (and possibly has
>>> the same GPS) and can either point me to a site I missed, or outline
>>> the steps for me, I would be grateful.
>>> [If it is easier to do in ArcMap, I have access to the ESRI software
>>> also.]
>>> Please keep in mind that while I have a general idea about GIS work
>>> and have been making some maps, for plotting, that satisfy my needs,
>>> I get very lost when I am subjected to acronyms and technical
>>> jargon. If is not clear and straightforward, it will probably be
>>> wasted on me.
>>> TIA,
>>> Stephen
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